Game Stories
B00089106 Robert Byrne Brimage
I read about stories in video games.

"Level 8 games and art" questioned "Can games be art?"
Fun is not detrimental in having a purpose within a game. A game can be successful without being fun. Other objectives can come before fun. i.e Strategy or story-telling.
Many games are simple and small in scope, which gives designers an opportunity to flaunt their skills and establish themselves in the game development world.
"What every game developer needs to know about story"
Talks about how important story is to a game. Story is conflict and intrigues and interests the audience. *Side note* Story is in my opinion becoming less important as gaming is now more accessible due to mobile devices being a gaming platform of their own. Companies are just developing them without story, but more of an addictive high score subject area.
Classic Story structures include:
I read about stories in video games.

"Level 8 games and art" questioned "Can games be art?"
Fun is not detrimental in having a purpose within a game. A game can be successful without being fun. Other objectives can come before fun. i.e Strategy or story-telling.
Many games are simple and small in scope, which gives designers an opportunity to flaunt their skills and establish themselves in the game development world.
"What every game developer needs to know about story"
Talks about how important story is to a game. Story is conflict and intrigues and interests the audience. *Side note* Story is in my opinion becoming less important as gaming is now more accessible due to mobile devices being a gaming platform of their own. Companies are just developing them without story, but more of an addictive high score subject area.
Classic Story structures include:
- Introducing the hero.
- The world is upside down due to an incident.
- Gap opens between hero and ordinary life.
- Hero tried a normal life... fails.
- Tried to overcome a risk.
- Then introduce a revers.
- Hero overcomes a greater risk.
- Second risk introduces a larger third risk to clear.
- Third risk opens the object of desire as it is so great.
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