About Me

Robert Byrne Brimage B00089106 CDM Y2

I am am enthusiastic student who wants to achieve the best possible outcome from finishing this course. I am motivated to produce excellent work in all my subjects. Coming to College is always good for me, I enjoy putting the work in.

I have a few hobbies, my main hobby is music, I like to relax and relieve stress by playing my guitar for a few hours every day. I do some acting as well as college and work part time to earn some money. I get good enjoyment from my hobbies, when stress builds up they help me out a lot.

During college I live in my second home, my Nan and Granddads, On the holidays I return home to Dunleer in Co. Louth, I moved out there a year a go. Big change moving from Dublin to the country side but it is certainly for the better. I'm lucky I have my second home so close to college.

What I enjoyed last year the most was making videos, I find I'm very good at editing and directing. 

I have a daily morning ritual of having a big toastie and cup of coffee to set me up for the day, puts me in a good mood and all that.

In the past I Studied business here in ITB and I am happy I changed course as this course suits my Creative side excellently.


  1. Hey Rob, Hope you had your big toastie and cup of joe this morning. Don't want you to be in one of your bad moods... again..
    Hope to hear from you soon!

    1. Thanks again Gym, Yeah you wont like me when I'm angry :LL

      Peace out,

  2. Hi Robert. Nice post, but a bit short. How long have you been playing guitar?
    I also like how confident you are in your film-making skills! I'm looking forward to what you can create next semester in the Documentary module.

  3. hi robert! i enjoyed reading this post, you sound like a very interesting fello, i would love to hear you play the guitar sometime! you sound like you have some great passions you can put to good use in this module :)

  4. Hey Rob!
    We seem to have a very similar outlook on life Roberto. I also enjoy putting the work in. It's definitely worth working hard in college because it will pay off in the long run when it comes to getting a job. I never knew you studied Business in ITB before, anyway I'm glad to have you in my course friend.

  5. Hey Rob! Great to see you're so motivated towards all your assignments, I too enjoy applying the work. You've come a long way from the PLC in Dunboyne! I could definitely see you directing in the future although I think you're a great actor too, never forget Tesco Mobile. That's a great morning ritual you've got there, is that where your motivation comes from? Great post:))

  6. Hey rob great to hear you have hobbies that can help you unwind and relax. Playing music could also help out with your music for your game. Your daily ritual sounds great and I might have to end up doing that myself as it sounds like a great start to your days. Glad to see you found what you enjoyed with last year

  7. Hey Rob, Good to hear that you are doing well and keeping motivated in life. Music is a great stress reliever its always nice to unwind and listen to some great tunes, your favourite band is big time rush isn't it? so I'm sure thats all you play constantly. A toastie every morning is a great routine that I'm sure you stick to religiously. Just wondering if you still get recognised as the tesco mobile guy? anyway great blog, was a nice read.


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