Unity Tutorial 04
Robert Byrne Brimage B00089106 How are we doing folks? Good progress in this weeks tutorial. Was a bit of a confusing one took some extra time to look at the changing the scales for the animations and such ANYWAY this is what my studying consisted of. Finding a new cross-hair for the game, Using letters such as E as the interaction to pick up the collectible. I'll need his for my game for sure. I'd call it the "ACTION" button. Making the cross hair wasn't too difficult to follow on through, Johnny Vegas does a good job for beginners. Coding the sound pickup was difficult but I believe it's a step that needs understanding, in modern games it's important to go the extra mile for the basics of modern games with collectibles. Working on the environment is something I'm comfortable with, landscaping it quite enjoyable to do. Reminds me of when I used to play the SIMS and make extravagant houses with hills and mountains... but a bit more difficult. ...