
Showing posts from October, 2018

Unity Tutorial 04

Robert Byrne Brimage B00089106 How are we doing folks? Good progress in this weeks tutorial. Was a bit of a confusing one took some extra time to look at the changing the scales for the animations and such ANYWAY this is what my studying consisted of. Finding a new cross-hair for the game, Using letters such as E as the interaction to pick up the collectible. I'll need his for my game for sure. I'd call it the "ACTION" button. Making the cross hair wasn't too difficult to follow on through, Johnny Vegas does a good job for beginners. Coding the sound pickup was difficult but I believe it's a step that needs understanding, in modern games it's important to go the extra mile for the basics of modern games with collectibles. Working on the environment is something I'm comfortable with, landscaping it quite enjoyable to do. Reminds me of when I used to play the SIMS and make extravagant houses with hills and mountains... but a bit more difficult. ...

Game GDD

Robert Byrne Brimage B00089106 This weeks reading material consisted of a brief description with information mostly on board games, This will of course benefit my digital game as both need to function as a game. Board games came first therefore there is a lot to learn from them to make your digital games better. Use colors to distinguish items, However choose wisely... picking red and orange in a video game could be detrimental to the user experience. Both colors are similar and different screens show colors differently. Using Red or green however would be more successful. Also, if it isn't broke don't fix it. Make different components distinct from one another. Use a legible and distinguishable font. Photo Info Avoid Clutter, keep the game neat as possible. From reading about the box , I take that the NAME and the BOX art similar with video game cover art both need to be appealing. I will use examples for this. DOOM has a very cool name, but the box art is also eye...

Vision Statement

Robert Byrne Brimage B00089106 Let's get straight into this, the game I am aiming for is an "Informative Learning Action Adventure Game" a tongue twister, I know however is it accomplish-able? YES. The informative learning comes from my ambitions to make the game about the 1916 Irish Easter Rising. The game will follow the story of the Irish Rebels fighting for freedom. It will include IMPORTANT Landmarks and Influential iconic names. pic info Originally I had planned to go through the entire 19th century of Irish History however after the class meeting in which we discussed our ideas I thought upon the potential high detail levels I could achieve if I focus my work on one period in Irish history. The reasoning behind choosing the Easter Rising is due to family history and I also have a lot of interest in it. The other side of my reasoning is because I can make the user experience it and walk through the landmarks such as the GPO, O'Connell street, Cross the ...

Games MDA

Robert Byrne Brimage B00089106 The MDA Framework consists of Mechanics, Dynamics & Aesthetics . They are casually linked. MDA is a taxonomy for models, There must be knowledge of the interactions between the MDA framework. Properties of good models include: Formal wee defined. Abstract Widely applicable. Proven Known to work. There is more to "fun" What type of fun in particular is present. Different games pursue multiple aesthetics of fun. For Example... Quake and Final Fantasy are both FUN games. However Quake gives: Challenge, Sensation, Competition, Fantasy Whilst FF gives Fantasy, Narrative, Expression, Discovery, Challenge, Masochism. Fun has different mediums. Mechanic Dynamic and Aesthetic compliment each other. You need to have all three to keep the user happy. There is more than meets the eye once again. An excellent read that I was not aware of.

Unity Tutorial 3

Robert Byrne Brimage B00089106 Unity tutorials part 2 consisted of C#, a healthy amount of coding, balancing mechanics with textures. Picking up Gems is an important part for me as I'm focusing on an adventure game set within a period of Irish History that is yet to be decided. Working with water looks quite fun too! Mario 64 "Collectible" screen. (What I would LOVE to have)

Game Elements

Robert Byrne Brimage B00089106 Good article explaining all elements needed to make a game, a good game. Mario 64 was an excellent example to showcase all elements within a game. Every user plays Mario 64 differently, this game allows the user to do this. It has consistency yet always keeps us entertained due to abstract level design and characters and level goals. But if Mario eats a STAR then he will always get the same power-up and become invincible. The user can predict this and choose to play this way or to not play this way. A quote I'm going to hold onto is: STORY:  The narrative thread, whether designer-driven or player-driven, that binds events together and drives the player forward toward completion of the game. I love this quote, it's simple and so obvious but brought a light towards in my opinion the most important part of game that is mainly about adventure. Which is possibly what I am going to try to do this year. Another message I have taken from the...

Game Brainstorm

Robert Byrne Brimage B00089106 I enjoy a wide variety of games so my interest is not in a particular genre, During the first lecture I found out that we will be making a game and the first thought that came to me was a: 1: A retro plat former game.  The visuals in this game would be made in a way they seem 8bit or 16bit, I'd like for the game to not only be fun but also LOOK fun. I'd have the user platform upwards in the level instead of moving forwards or sideways. Enemies would be located here and there however the main obstacle would be for the player to successfully jump from one plat form to another without falling and dying from fall-damage. Playing as an alien each goal of each level would be for the alien to return to his spaceship. When successful you get a different voice line each time congratulating the user and the alien does a cool pose to celebrate the win. 2. A First-Person shooting game.  The player must blast his way though thugs and villains an...

Unity Tutorial 01

Robert Byrne Brimage B00089106 The tutorials are great. Very Informative and easy to follow and understand. I'll mention again, I do have some previous experience which probably does help with the layout and navigation of unity. Understanding the basics is definitely the most valuable reason to watch and use the tutorials. Changing the color and blending the textures was something I did not know how to do, very easy to do after watching the tutorials so I am pleased with that. Working along with the videos is good. I had the tutorials playing on my smart TV whilst using my ASUS K501U Gaming Laptop for unity. It's a nice way to get work done I feel as if I am learning whilst I do this, I felt positive after it and it only took an hour to complete. Over all I'm happy with the lessons and tutorials! Pretty excited now to see the brief for our first assignment! I was surprised to see that a very popular game developed by Blizzard Entertainment use Unity to make Hearth...

Game Design

Robert Byrne Brimage B00089106 What is a game? In my own words I believe a game to be an enjoyable experience that one or more users can entertain themselves with. There are many types of games, in the modern day a game is referred to a digital video game in which the user can play via a joystick/controller. This type of game has become the 2nd most popular form of media behind music. However a game can also be a physical form of entertainment e.g playing chasing, playing football or a different sport. A type of game that is now at it's least popular is a board game e.g Monopoly. What I am trying to get at here is that a game, can entertain the user no matter the form of media. Video games are now made to simulate the physical "real life" game or the board game, most normally found on a modern smart phone. A modern successful game found on your phones app store would be a euro-style game. A euro-style game is a pacific game, the user does not have frustration and is...


Robert Byrne Brimage B00089106 I'm confident with both MAC and Windows, I know how to use a computer efficiently. Adobe suite programs come easy to me as I have studied them previously. Blogging is a new tool to me, It will take some time to become efficient at and to add to my routine. Bookmarking I have been doing for a while, It;s a great way to keep all your frequent web pages one click away. Folders should always be used for bookmarks, keeps things tidy and easier to use. I'm proficient with image editing software. I've been using image editing, altering and cropping to change the aspect ratio for a good while now. Making graphics is what I specialized on in my work experience, I found it enjoyable, experimenting with sketches and producing mock pieces is a nice job to have. Working with clients is the hard part. I am yet to use a padlet, But I'm aware of the greater quality of work that can be achieved with a padlet. In my former course, I used Unity3D, ...