Games MDA

Robert Byrne Brimage B00089106

The MDA Framework consists of Mechanics, Dynamics & Aesthetics. They are casually linked. MDA is a taxonomy for models, There must be knowledge of the interactions between the MDA framework.

Properties of good models include: Formal wee defined. Abstract Widely applicable. Proven Known to work.

There is more to "fun" What type of fun in particular is present.

Different games pursue multiple aesthetics of fun.
For Example... Quake and Final Fantasy are both FUN games. However Quake gives: Challenge, Sensation, Competition, Fantasy Whilst FF gives Fantasy, Narrative, Expression, Discovery, Challenge, Masochism.
Fun has different mediums.

Mechanic Dynamic and Aesthetic compliment each other. You need to have all three to keep the user happy. There is more than meets the eye once again. An excellent read that I was not aware of.


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