Game GDD

Robert Byrne Brimage B00089106

This weeks reading material consisted of a brief description with information mostly on board games, This will of course benefit my digital game as both need to function as a game. Board games came first therefore there is a lot to learn from them to make your digital games better.

Use colors to distinguish items, However choose wisely... picking red and orange in a video game could be detrimental to the user experience. Both colors are similar and different screens show colors differently. Using Red or green however would be more successful. Also, if it isn't broke don't fix it.
Make different components distinct from one another. Use a legible and distinguishable font.

Samurai tiles
Photo Info
Avoid Clutter, keep the game neat as possible.

From reading about the box, I take that the NAME and the BOX art similar with video game cover art both need to be appealing. I will use examples for this.
DOOM has a very cool name, but the box art is also eye catching. When you see the art you instantly know this game is gonna be a "whole lotta LOVE fun" by Led Zeppelin.

Image of doom box art

HOWEVER on the other hand of bad box art ... I would use DOOM's 2015 Video game cover. In a way it is not bad. It is a modern trend of what video game covers use. But sometimes and in this case it is MUCH better to stick to the roots! I believe this cover to be boring and lacks character. This soldier could be anyone for all we know.

Image result for doom box art

With example one, you know the location, the enemy, the main character and like I said you KNOW you're going to have a blast playing it!

I went off on a tangent there but I wanted to explain that I understand the box art importance. I'd never buy a board game OR video game if it had a terrible un-interesting cover.

Rules are a basic need for a game, There must be a set of rules that you need to stick by! Rules are designed in a way so every user gets maximum enjoyment from playing the game. Rules are there for a reason. In Monopoly it would be against the rules to take money whenever you're running out ... and the point of the game is to Earn money! They make sense.


  1. Hey RobertOoOoOo! I'm glad you went on a little rant about the Box art. I understand you were trying to show you understood the importance but it was interesting to see how you interpreted the importance as someone might read the notes and think something more simplistic OR something more advanced. Hope you're doing well!

  2. Hey Rob!
    I'd agree with what you said about a games box art. It would put me off buying a game also, but I have purchased games in the past with poopy box art and been surprised at how good the game actually was. Love reading your blogs, keep up the great work! We should play a game sometime add me on steam? :)


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